Monday, January 4, 2016

Grown up Coloring Books


Its Monday! Which is great I guess, I personally don't mind Mondays because until January 19th I have Mondays off, but someone had to go and start college on Mondays. 

Its Monday Opinion Post day! That is not a thing but we will pretend it is. 

So today I will share my expert, calculated, well researched opinion on Coloring Books for Grown ups. ( I don't like the term "Adult") 
I had a birthday shortly before Christmas and got a coloring book, which looked awesome but I was a little wary of the idea of having time to sit and color. I love to color, and in the summer I work at dance camps and we let the kids color almost everyday to kill some time for them. And I mostly just color for myself. Anyway, I was excited to have some time off and maybe color. I didn't. 
Then I got one as a Christmas present, everyone in my family got one, so we all sat down and colored. Oh My Gosh, it was great! It is relaxing but still makes your brain work, also great for creativity and not just mind numbing busy work. So I am slowly converting to the idea of coloring books for grown ups. 
I would only buy one for someone who would actually do it though. 

And I took a little trip to NYC after Christmas with my sister and also my best friend. We had a blast! We saw Something Rotten, walked all through Central Park, Times Square, Highline, New York City Ballet, Greenwich Village, 5th Ave, Rockefeller Center, American Museum of Natural History and some other awesome stuff. Here are some pictures. By far my favorite was Ice Skating and Rockefeller Center!

Happy New Year!!!
Best Wishes 
By -J