Finished Product:
I'm in love, the thing is huge so its hard to find a place for it.
Step by Step!
Depending on the size you want it, cut squares, I used 6in x 6in. I also used several colors to give it an ombre effect.
Cut a cardboard circle, again the bigger your circle the bigger you need your squares. I used hot glue to make it faster.
Size wise, your first layer of squares will hang on the cardboard by 1.5 or 2 inches.
Like this:
This is row 1 and 2, which we will get to.
Your first row if you have multiple colors needs to be spaced apart to allow room for the second row.
(If you are wondering about the interesting photos, I videoed this but lost parts, and didn't feel like editing 40mins of bad footage.)
Now, add your layers, either changing colors or staying with the same.
Glue layer by layer, eventually they will stack at a higher angle.
Keep stacking until you get to the center, this is when you almost have to bend the ends of the cone to stand upright. You will have one in the exact center.
Best Wishes
By -J