Monday, November 30, 2015

Opinions : Audible

I recently signed up for Audible through Amazon, and who doesn't love Amazon? 

It is the best. Anyway when you sign up you get two credits to buy any book. Each book is one credit and you get one every month. It is only $15 a month and most books are $10-$20. 

With the holidays there is a lot of time spent cleaning and wrapping and organizing, plenty of time to listen to a book. 

I love it! Especially as a reader, Audible lets me multi-task while enjoying something I love but don't have a lot of time for. You can also listen offline while on the go so you don't eat up data. 

Check it out!

 Also I didn't make a video this weekend because I've been on holiday. Yay!

Best Wishes!
By - J

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