Monday, June 20, 2016

Let's Blame Pinterest

Once again I tried to be artsy and do a Pinterest "Easy DIY" yeah, it didn't work. 

And I videoed it but again that is awful so here are some screen grabs and a terrible Pinterest fail. 

I was going for something like this: 
Easy enough right? Washi tape and paint how could I possible mess that up. 

Just watch...
 Okay tape the glass
Already things look sketchy. 

Now spray paint 

And this is where we crash landed. 

So I thought paint with paint. 


Okay not bad so far...

Hanging in there..

Let's check on the spray paint one 
A little more textured than I had hoped..

Finished product?

Yeah so that was an utter failure and I don't even have tips to do it the right way. 

Best Wishes 
By - J 

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