Friday, June 12, 2015

Canvas Inspiration

I think this is just turning into a blog 
about crafts. 
Who cares! Crafts are awesome!
My latest canvas piece. 
I found this really cool canvas art on 
Pinterest, where it was painted these awesome 
colors, then they put tape over it and spray painted
it gold. So the colors under came through when the 
tape came off. 
Anyway I am not patient enough to wait for it to dry so 
I just put tape down in different patterns
and painted over it. 

Start with a blank canvas (duh)

I was doing this on my bathroom floor because
I was also coloring my hair :) 

Added some tape and some paint. 
I used different size washi tape to mix it up a bit. 

Finished painting it, let it dry and 
then took the tape off. 
I don't really love the tape design I chose. 
I should have created straight lines and 
tried not to blend it on some parts.
 I also should have really squared the center purple. 
Now I am trying to choose a quote to go in the middle. 

A. "Life is better when you are laughing"
B. Quiet people have the loudest minds"
C. "When it rains, look for rainbows. 
When it's dark, look for stars"
D. "Today is the perfect day to be happy"

What do you think?
By - J

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