Saturday, August 22, 2015

Arrow String Art

So my first try in posting on a schedule
and I failed. 
So Saturday night and I'm posting. 

It's craft week!
I love arrows, its a new love. 
So I wanted to do a craft that involved arrows. 
And I also have a new love of string art. 
I couldn't find any templates, 
which posed a problem because
I am not good with straight lines 
and making thinks look even. 
But I got out my ruler and tried to make 
my own template. 

Which did not go well. 
But I love the colors, 
also its a learning experience. 
But a picture is worth a thousand words so here it is. 
The lines on the bottom are crooked 
and not the same length.
And the triangle on top is uneven. 
It will stay on the back of my self 
to remind me to find a template.

Best Wishes
By -J 

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