Friday, February 13, 2015

Its been a tough day

It's one of those interesting days.
You have a plan but it just doesn't go your way. 
Through a series of events I'm working on Friday and then headed to dinner at the beach with my sister/GALentine. 
Its days like today where I feel
rushed and behind on everything,
 that I always look for a little bit of encouragement. 
So from me to you, 
You CAN do it.
It's tough, its long, its a lonely road sometimes
 but its a road we have to travel. 
Don't drag your heels because 
A. it will take longer and you will be miserable longer and 
B. Your heels are much to pretty to be dragged.
Now some inspiration pictures and quotes.

 This is a good reminder of the power of positive thinking.
My day was fine until I remembered the mountain of things I was going to get done.
 I have to remember my mission. 
To put myself aside and be there for others.
To help others.

Sometimes the best way to start over is to be relax and take a deep breathe. 
I can do and I will do it.
I hope you all have a fantastic 
GALentines and Valentines day. 
By -J

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