Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Online Shopping!

I love to online shop. 
I don't usually buy anything because I am a very picky 
person and I know what will look good on me. 
But it's still fun to look :)
As much as I love it there are a few snags....
Free shipping is fantastic but do you notice you always have to spend $50

Or this 
You would think I could at least remember it but I feel like that would be way to dangerous. 

This one always makes me laugh...

#poorgirlproblems #studentproblems #firstworldproblems

Or when you do decide you can spend some $$$ you can't decide what to buy!
Poor Amazon workers:(

But on the bright side there are stores out there that sell these..
French fry leggings. 

Thank you internet!
Head over to Pinterest to see my board on
Online Shopping tips and sites!
I found most of them on Pinterest but they seem like good ideas ;)
By -J

Favorite place to online shop?

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