Monday, October 26, 2015

Opinions: Fundraising Hagglers

Let's try something different. Mostly the look of the blog, but it is kinda confusing to me. 
Anyway, it is Monday which means another totally biased opinion on something. 

Today it is fundraising Hagglers. I am cool with fundraising, encourage it when a group is trying to achieve a goal. My church youth group where I teach is raising money for Operation Christmas Child. I've talked about it before, we pack shoeboxes full of items, toys, clothes, hygienic stuff and more. So to raise the money we have held events all summer. Our last one was a yard sale this past weekend. I was literally selling bedding sets for $0.50 (I can't find the cents icon). Just about everything was 50 cents. But I had a few items labeled for more, a kids toddler bike for $3. This lady comes up to me and tells me she is buying it for a kid who's house burned down etc. And all I could think was "you want to haggle over $3 for charity. For children who live in impoverished nations, who don't have food or parents sometimes. And you want to haggle over $3?" yeah I sold it for $1.50. But it really bugged me that some people see only what is in front of them. 
I had another lady who was shopping for people in Jamaica and how she collects stuff for them and they just need so much.... So I gave her half off too. But they still don't see that I'm in the same shoes as them. I'm trying to raise money for a good cause. Give me a break!

Argh. So that is my opinion. 

Best Wishes
By -J 

Friday, October 23, 2015

DIY Origami Chandelier

Lets discuss my favorite website...

I'm a big fan, 
for the crafts, humor, travel, clothes, 
gifts, technology, and more. 
It is the best of the internet in one app.

And also a space eater 
not heater, eater.
It takes up like 3gb on my phone. 

But back to pinterest, 
I found this awhile ago and put 
it on my to-do list. 
Really pretty right?
Well if you notice it has instructions 
on how to fold origami butterflies
but the chandeliers have butterflies
 that were punched out.
Hence my problem.

I entered an origami chandelier into 
the county fair, yet I bought a $17 butterfly punch. 
Yeah not really smart thinking. 
So I returned the punch and bought 
origami paper instead. 

Here is a video tutorial on
 how to fold the butterflies.
Butterfly Origami tutorial

Hot glue has become my best friend. 
So I used some tulle to cover an embroidery hoop,
and used some string, 
hot glued my butterflies on
and that was it!
Here is the end product, 
not the best picture but its been a long week 
and my weekend is packed so....

Best Wishes 
By -J 

More fair crafts and decorating coming!

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Opinions: Theme Parks

I convinced my younger brother and parents 
to play hooky on Monday, 
Which is why I am writing my Monday blog on Tuesday. 

We went to an aquatic theme park
and last time I went a posted a picture 
of a whale on IG and someone commented
how sad it was that a beautiful creature was in captivity. 

And that is the topic of today's opinion. 

I like aquariums and zoos. 
And most of these places take care of their animals
and a lot of those animals are in need of 
rehabilitation or are unable to live in the wild. 
I really don't have more to say. 
I don't support animal cruelty, 
but I do enjoy visiting zoos and aquariums 
and learning about all of those beautiful creatures. 

Here is a picture to finish this biased, 
opinion only blog. 

Best Wishes 
By -J

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Fairy Garden Table and chair DIY

I started volunteering at my local 
county fair about 7yrs ago. 
And I honestly love it. 
I work in the creative arts area 
for check in and check out of all the crafts. 
The first year I started I didn't enter anything, 
But on and off since then I have been. 

This year I really got into it. 
Mostly because I really got into making stuff. 
One category is theme table settings.
I entered a fairy garden tea party. 

So over the weekend
 I had to make my table and chair, 
because I wanted to do miniature.

This is my first video tutorial, 
so cut me some slack. 
It took me about 30mins to make 
2 chairs and the table, 
but I cut the video down to 12mins. 

Here it is!

The tray will look like this

I just haven't found a bowl at the 
thrift store yet to make the mushroom top. 

Anyway, I had such a blast making it and
 I loved the end result. 

Best Wishes
By -J

Keep an eye out for my other fair projects, 
including: cake decorating, cupcake decorating, 
sewing, Origami and string art. 

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Saturday Shopping

Shopping is one of my favorite weekend things.
And when I feel good it is so easy for me to
shop and find things. 
Sometimes too many things to buy!

Jewelry has become my new thing. 
I love it!
I'm also a big fan sales!!!

So Buy one get one free clearance is  
beyond my self control. 
Which is why I ended up spending 
$25 in under 10minutes :) 

But look at all the cute stuff I got!!!
Some gold jewelry,
Which is what most of mine already is so I had to buy some silver.

I recently have started expanding 
my jewelry collection and I think these will be some 
great new additions. 

Best Wishes 
By -J 

I filmed my first DIY tutorial, 
Check it out!
Fairy Table and Chair Tutorial

Monday, October 12, 2015

Opinions : Leggings

You thought I forgot that I was starting
 a series of opinions blogs. 
You are right I did forget but I also put it on 
my calendar to blog and I remembered!

*Announcer Voice* 
"On this post of Opinions, we discuss.....

Yeah I have to say its a love hate thing really. 
I wear leggings in the winter to sleep in. 
And occasionally under a dress in the winter. 
I'm a tights person, mostly because 
I've been dancing ballet forever. 

But let me say leggings are NOT pants. 
I really don't care how nice your but is 
do not allow one thing piece of material to 
try and cover it. 

Which brings me to 
*Announcer voice* 
Yoga Pants! 

Do not wear yoga pants. 
I'm still iffy on yoga pants in yoga. 
I've heard some bad stories. 

Any type of workout gear is not 
okay in public, even if you just worked out. 
No take a shower.
There are enough options in the clothing
world that you do not need to wear that. 

Now to 
*Announcer Voice* 
Sweat Pants

Sweat pants are my jams, 
in the comfort of my own home, 
wen snuggled in bed, 
or doing laundry. 
I have never and will never 
wear sweat pants in public. 

Thank you for listening to this PSA
on improper pant - ing. 

Best Wishes 
By - J

Friday, October 9, 2015

Fall/Autumn Screen Savers

I live in FL.
Which means not a lot of fall/winter weather
or colors or looks.
Occasionally I will have to wear pants on 
(For warmth) 

But I do like the idea of fall colors and 
pumpkins, Sunflowers, corn maze and stuff like that. 
But to really get in the spirit I changed my phone 
lock screen. 
This will be chosen quickly, so cute! 

This is currently what my lock screen is. 

Nice, simple, very cute colors

Kinda whimsical. 

I guess I'm a fan of greeting fall...


Which reminds me check out this Jimmy Fallon video 

This is gorgeous 
(Also I can now spell gorgeous) 

I wish it was still September because I love this quote. 

Color pop!

Plain and Simple

Welcome back to greeting seasons, 

A little bit of glitter goes a long way, 

This one I posted on IG so go check it out!

These are some of my favorites. 
Use screen shot and display your seasonal
decorating with no hassle!

Best Wishes 
By - J