Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Opinions: Theme Parks

I convinced my younger brother and parents 
to play hooky on Monday, 
Which is why I am writing my Monday blog on Tuesday. 

We went to an aquatic theme park
and last time I went a posted a picture 
of a whale on IG and someone commented
how sad it was that a beautiful creature was in captivity. 

And that is the topic of today's opinion. 

I like aquariums and zoos. 
And most of these places take care of their animals
and a lot of those animals are in need of 
rehabilitation or are unable to live in the wild. 
I really don't have more to say. 
I don't support animal cruelty, 
but I do enjoy visiting zoos and aquariums 
and learning about all of those beautiful creatures. 

Here is a picture to finish this biased, 
opinion only blog. 

Best Wishes 
By -J

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