Saturday, October 17, 2015

Fairy Garden Table and chair DIY

I started volunteering at my local 
county fair about 7yrs ago. 
And I honestly love it. 
I work in the creative arts area 
for check in and check out of all the crafts. 
The first year I started I didn't enter anything, 
But on and off since then I have been. 

This year I really got into it. 
Mostly because I really got into making stuff. 
One category is theme table settings.
I entered a fairy garden tea party. 

So over the weekend
 I had to make my table and chair, 
because I wanted to do miniature.

This is my first video tutorial, 
so cut me some slack. 
It took me about 30mins to make 
2 chairs and the table, 
but I cut the video down to 12mins. 

Here it is!

The tray will look like this

I just haven't found a bowl at the 
thrift store yet to make the mushroom top. 

Anyway, I had such a blast making it and
 I loved the end result. 

Best Wishes
By -J

Keep an eye out for my other fair projects, 
including: cake decorating, cupcake decorating, 
sewing, Origami and string art. 

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