Have you had random App updates lately?
Instagram now has hashtags come up when typing,
giving suggestions and showing the number of
times that hashtag has been used on IG.
Also Pinterest now has trending when you
search for something.
And they have colors for how popular it is,
deeper the color = more people looking that up.
Snapchat removed their tap and hold
and now it is just tap.
Which is kind of strange, it changes a lot.
Snapchat also added some new filters,
Along with the color changing edits,
they now have location banners,
holiday banners, and a strange battery.
Not sure about the battery one but I like the others.
Tumblr is very proud to have "added Chinese translations
and reduced the number of crashes."
You can now get a notification
when your favorite blog posts.
There is a little human on their page you tap to follow.
Speaking of notifications,
Netflix has joined the game,
when a new season has been added to a show in
your list a push notification (if they are enabled)
will pop up, If not, a small bell on the top bar in the app
will have a little number show up.
Twitter did a little redesign recently,
changing the way to switch between accounts,
they have also been working
on the discover and search areas.
Pandora says they now have a feature where
you can hum a tune using SoundHound.
Which now changes the game for Shazam and
siri, who recently was able to "name that tune"
Facebook Messenger,
which in my opinion is useless,
can now be used without a Facebook,
but with only a phone number to sign up.
What do you think?
How do you feel bout updates?
Favorite improvements?
Best Wishes
By - J
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