Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Shoutout Time!

Check out the blog
A girl named Jill
The last post is 1. hilarious 
and 2. very true!

People all have different tastes and 
likes and attractions. 
I think of it as bashing someone's favorite
ice cream flavor. 
Why do we accept favorite 
colors, foods, clothes, music?
But we don't understand it when someone 
may not be interested in another person. 
Anyway I've been super busy lately 
which means no unique blogging or crafts. 

 But my dad did get me some boards 
and I have a new string art idea stirring 
and I am very excited. 
But first I am going camping with my brother so until 
next week!

Best Wishes
By -J 

Friday, July 17, 2015

Updated Apps Review

Have you had random App updates lately?
Instagram now has hashtags come up when typing,
giving suggestions and showing the number of 
times that hashtag has been used on IG. 

Also Pinterest now has trending when you 
search for something. 
And they have colors for how popular it is, 
deeper the color = more people looking that up. 

Snapchat removed their tap and hold 
and now it is just tap. 
Which is kind of strange, it changes a lot. 

Snapchat also added some new filters, 
Along with the color changing edits, 
they now have location banners, 
holiday banners, and a strange battery. 
Not sure about the battery one but I like the others. 

Tumblr is very proud to have "added Chinese translations
and reduced the number of crashes."
You can now get a  notification
 when your favorite blog posts. 
There is a little human on their page you tap to follow. 

Speaking of notifications, 
Netflix has joined the game, 
when a new season has been added to a show in 
your list a push notification (if they are enabled) 
will pop up, If not, a small bell on the top bar in the app 
will have a little number show up. 

Twitter did a little redesign recently, 
changing the way to switch between accounts, 
they have also been working 
on the discover and search areas. 

Pandora says they now have a feature where 
you can hum a tune using SoundHound. 
Which now changes the game for Shazam and 
siri, who recently was able to "name that tune"

Facebook Messenger, 
which in my opinion is useless, 
can now be used without a Facebook, 
but with only a phone number to sign up. 

What do you think?
How do you feel bout updates?
Favorite improvements?

Best Wishes 
By - J 

Thursday, July 16, 2015

New Projects

I'm searching for my new project. 
I'm also very excited to try something new!

I have been pinnning all day, 
searching for the perfect new project.
I can't decide between jewelry, 
clothing, inside decorations, outside decorations. 
The list is endless....
But here are some of my favorites!

These butterflies are beautiful!
And I think I could give it as a gift.

This sign is adorable, 
I would find a spot for it!
Also these arrow are shooting straight 
into my heart, I think I could make them.

It is just so hard to decide, 
I also have like 25 other things I want to make. 

And my friend requested I make her this
It is now added to the list. 

Also I had a wonderful day at the thrift store.
I went in looking for stencils and letter stickers, 
(for the we are awesome sign) 
and found exactly what I was looking for!
I also scored on some other stuff, 
mostly old target stuff. 
(Target's in my area are donating old 
merchandise to thrift stores like Goodwill)

Anyway I had a great craft day. 

Best Wishes 
By -J 

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Day Dreaming

I found myself day dreaming 
or possible actually dreaming considering 
it was close to 11pm. 
But my mind decided to take me for a 
stroll through maybes. 

I am very imaginative, 
inside my head. 
And I enjoy keeping it there because 
if I share people get to read it and 
criticize it and realize I'm rather strange. 

Anyway it followed along the lines of 
the future and being married and 
having a family and such. 
The things that a lot of people think about. 
Well I went through a phase where I didn't 
really want kids and could see myself working, 
living in a great house and vacationing to really cool places. 
But this dream or fantasy seemed so 
possible and happy, that I thought, 
"I could do that. Have a family and a house."

Which freaked me out a little. 
I can't even think of dating. 
Literally the thought freaks me out. 
Mostly because my parents raised me thinking 
that you didn't need to date until you 
were ready to get married. 
And I am not ready. 
But I am at an age to start thinking about it. 
Circling back to the freaking out. 

I guess the struggle is in seeing multiple options for
your future and liking them all. 
Maybe that is a way to prepare yourself, 
not settling on one thing can save you from 
disappointment or regret. 

But I'm not over thinking it because the 
night before this day dream, 
I had an actual dream 
and I was taking care of a baby, 
but it wouldn't stop pooping. 
Like all over, constantly. 
Eventually I just held it over the toilet. 
I also informed the parents something 
was wrong with their child. 

And the night I had the wonderful day dream
I didn't fall asleep until 3am and 
then I dreamed a bunch of people dressed as 
superheros came and started attacking my neighborhood. 

So my options in the future are:
Constantly pooping baby,
Wonderful marriage and family,
Crazy psychopaths that I have to fight. 

And I guess this brings us back to the dream post 
from a couple weeks ago. 

The point of this?
Does there always have to be a point?

I do have a riddle though

What do you peel the outside, 
cook the inside, 
eat the outside, 
and throw away the inside?

By -J

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Post 4th of July

Well my plans for the 4th 
were simple. 
Beach with family. 
If I had time to do some 
baking or decorating it would be fun. 

I made some chocolate dipped Oreo pops
that turned into chocolate swirled Oreo pops, 
because the sticks were to wide for the Oreo
and the chocolate didn't melt fully. 
I had great reviews though. 
Compare below 

See, they were terrible!
But tasted delicious. 
Then we made some 4th of July shirts. 

I somehow managed to not take a 
picture of mine. 
So I'll tell you. 
I had USA in white block letters
on the front.
And behind it I had blue strips horizontally 
on the left hand upper corner, like the flag 
and red strips on the rest of the front, like the flag.
It was adorable. 

Anyway I also tried to make these firecracker cookies,

Sugar cookies with icing and Pop Rocks. 
Well the cookies came out lumpy and not 
circular, and not picture perfect. 
But they were gone before I could snap 
a picture so I guess that is a good sign. 
All in all it was a great day, 
possible my favorite holiday. 
I am still on vacation enjoying the beach
so I will catch up with you later. 

Best Wishes, 
By -J

Thursday, July 2, 2015

4th of July

Basically my life is Pinterest. 
Well, I think it is but mostly its
the Pinterest Nailed It section. 
But I am hoping this weekend 
turns out pinterest perfect!

My very good friend and I are spending the 
4th together along with our families and
we decided to make shirts this year!
Our Pinspiration

We haven't decided to match or to 
each do our own, so we will see how it goes. 
I got all the supplies
shirts, paint, I saw one example used 
a cookie cutter to make shapes, 
so that is what I bought. 
Anyway I also got a TON of glow sticks. 
And now I have to decide if I want to make 
a dessert or snack of some sort. 
These are my options. 
Pop Rocks sugar cookies?

Chocolate Pretzels?

Chocolate covered Oreo pops?

Or chocolate dipped strawberries?
I want to do something simple. 
But they all have a measure of time consuming. 

Anyway those are my plans. 
A day at the beach with friends and family, 
yummy food, fireworks and DIY shirts. 

Best Wishes and Stay Safe!
By - J

Dinner Plans

Do you ever get so busy, 
the thought of doing something freaks you out?

I'm about 3 days away from that. 
Which is why I'm taking a few days off. 
Before I check out for the next week I thought I'd
share a recipe and some 4th of July stuff. 
I'll put the 4th stuff on a different post. 

Anyway I made my families go to dinner
the other night and it looked so 
good I wanted to share it. 

My family loves pasta!
So the meal obviously includes that. 
1 box of pasta ( I like penne noodles for this) 
3 small red peppers
2 chicken breasts or 4 cutlets
Fresh baby spinach

Easy ingredients. 
Cook the chicken in a large frying pan. 
Mix in the red peppers sliced. 
Cook with Olive oil or Grapeseed. 
These Grapeseed Oil's from Wildtree are yummy!
Especially the Roasted Garlic.

Cook the pasta. 
Mix in the spinach with the chicken and 
red peppers. 
You want the red peppers to be soft. 
Mix in the pasta, 
either in a bowl or in the pot. 
You might need to add more oil. 
Season with salt and pepper. 
I added some Italian Herb seasoning. 
And Parmesan cheese on top!

Best Wishes 
By - J