Wednesday, March 11, 2015

DIY Time

DIY Time. 
I recently started my wall of whatever.
 Well that's what I call it other people may call it an accent wall.
Basically it's a mixture of pictures, wall decor, and whatever else you want. 
Hence the name "Whatever Wall"
It's a simple way to make your space unique to your personality. 
You know when you were in middle of high school and posters and pictures 
were tacked to your walls and ceilings? 
It's a grown up version of that :) 
Sans the boy band posters. 
Start by choosing a wall that has space around it, 
A larger wall with less furniture so you can keep adding to it. 
A neutral color works best or you can use chalkboard pant 
to give it an extra level of creativity. 
Start with a color scheme of theme. 
Family and friends pictures or landscapes. 
You can even add empty frames and put books or symbols 
In them. 
Here are some examples.....
My favorite the Instagram walls. Easy to make
Just print out your IG pictures with the filters 
and easy glue them onto white paper for the Polaroid look

 Or use small white frames for a more sophisticated look. 
You also have the washi tape option. 
The freedom to make your own frames. 

Or if you want to get really crazy YOU CAN PAINT!!
Stencils and sponges are great for this type of look
Or you can go for the picture frame and trinket look
I love this one! 

Simple and easy. Plus you can make it a stand out headboard!

This is one is gorgeous. I love the words inside the frames and the mirror too.

By -J 
Happy DIY 

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