Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Facebook Comment or a Text, How Well Do You Know Them?

Its March which is like birthday mania for me and my family. 
A brief overview of my family to explain.
My Mom and Dad got married and had 11 children. 
Child number 1 got married and has 6 children
Child number 3 got married and has 3 children
Child number 5 got married. 
Child number 6 got married.
Child number nine is dating.
That makes 27 birthdays a year just for close family. 
That is A LOT!
But March is the worst with 6 birthdays. 
Anyway March 3rd (Today) is child number 9's Girlfriend's birthday.
Previously a good friend of mine, (don't get me started)
So the question came to me, 
Do I post on FB or do I text?
Do I know them well enough for a text?
I mean she is at every birthday party and 
practically every family event. 
In this case I said Happy Birthday with a cute picture via text.
But then I thought about who you should text and 
who you should post on social media 
 to wish a happy birthday. 
So I decided to make a list.
Family members, doesn't matter if you are close -Call them 
Friends you see or talk to at least once a day - Call them 
(Cards are great too, also in the mail is fun)
Friends you see once a week - text is okay but a call is better!
Cousins you only see on FB and are pretty sure you don't even know their number - Post
The random person from High School you used to hang out with- Post 
The person you could potentially date - text or a card in person.
Boss, this one is tough, if you see them the day of - tell them in person but if you interact on facebook and you don't see them than a post in okay. 
Also cards are good if you see them the week of. 
Your friends parents - in person if you see them. 
Unless you are unusually close like you could be their child don't text or call them. 

By - J
If you know someone in your class is having a birthday 
it can really make their day if you show up with a card and balloon. And because of all the dollar stores and Dollar Generals popping up you most likely pass one at least once a day. You could get both for less than $5.
Also bonus points if you get other people to sign it. 

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