Friday, April 24, 2015

Positive Rewards

I'm a person who is motivated by rewards.
I will do something, but I'm more likely to finish 
on time and happier if I have a reward.

Here is where this idea gets tricky
How you reward your self can 
help or harm. 
For instance when we are little our 
parents were more than willing 
t0 reward us with food.
Cookies are a personal favorite.
But when life gets crazy and less time 
is spent running around with friends 
our body starts to rebel. 
Start making good habits and 
reward yourself accordingly. 

Biting your nails?
give yourself a time line 
When you reach the end go get your nails done.

Procrastinating with school?
When ALL the homework is done
play a game or watch something
(don't give up on sleep easily)

Made it to the gym?
Buy yourself a new shirt or shoes, book or bag, 
or new headband to rock at the gym.

Don't skip meals
choose something lighter

Don't stay up all night
go to bed the problems will be there tomorrow

Don't rely on energy drinks 
or diet pills.
I know it is easy said than done
but when you fight for your goal 
the reward is so much better.

You can do it!
Reach out to friends they might be struggling 
just as much, they might need someone to help 
push them to accomplish their goals. 

By -J

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