Wednesday, April 8, 2015

The Slump Part 2

I am going to assume you did not read part 1.
Shame on you, really you should be ashamed you did not read my rant on how my life is in a slump
(I hope my sarcasm is being conveyed)

Need I say more? 
On Tuesday Netflix US posted on Twitter that 
"Netflix members have watched 10 billion hours last quarter"
I think I may be responsible for 1/5 of that. 
I love my Netflix. 
But as I said in The Slump post (have your read it yet?
I felt in a rut last week. 
Mundane, lifeless, dull were the words that came to mind when I thought of my past days. 
I lived vicariously through TV characters with the 
chance at experiences and adventures. 
I really like mystery and sassy leading ladies, 
Funny best friends and quirky family members. 
Blood pumping sports and cultural meals.
But I was done with just watching
I wanted to live a life full of
 my own quirky characters and funny best friends.
I want to be the hardworking and sassy leading lady.

I gave up Netflix for the week. 
Although I picked up reading again
(Like 7 books in the last 6 days)
I think I've done a better job of living my life instead of watching fictional characters play out theirs. 

Have I done something crazy like 
kiss a stranger in an elevator?
No because that is weird an very unsanitary.
But I have spent more time talking 
with friends and family. 
Had some Thai food, 
Finished a math class, 
Went to Seaworld with my Nieces and Nephews,
Started blogging again and 
making plans to get things done. 
I even went to the gym....
Which says something.

Am I out of the Slump? 
Not quite but its progress.

By -J
"Today is the Tomorrow, 
we worried about Yesterday"

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