Thursday, April 16, 2015


Its all about me today.
Just kidding, I'm sure 
if I ramble enough I'll discover something
to share with you.

If you look at my search history for today on 
google or Pinterest you will find this:
"Free pillow cartoon"
"Free sleeping bag cartoon"
"Sleepover cartoon"
"Pajama cartoon"
"pj cartoon"
"Pj party cartoon"
"Free pj party cartoon"

I was trying to make a poster/sign 
for the preschool spring recital that is 
themed "Pajama Party"

Let me clarify just in case you misunderstood.
I do not 
A. Go to preschool
B. have children in preschool
C. work in a preschool 

and yet here I am 
making a sign for it. 

Actually the church I go to and 
run the media/sound for, 
 has a preschool which is run 
by my Pastor's wife. 
I think. 
Anyway since I have the programs to 
project in the sanctuary with the computer
and equipment I was asked to do it.
But now it looks like I was creeping on 
Pajama Parties.

I think I could make a point that 
you don't have to say yes to 
everything someone asks.
But I like the people I say yes to
and it gets me to do things, 
Because as we have discussed before I am
a terrible procrastinator. 
(Yet somehow I can spell that word off 
the tip of the top of my head.)
I'll save the story of that phrase for another day.

Happy Thursday!
By -J 

What do you always say yes to?

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