Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Spring Break 2015- The Follow Up

First, let me just say I'm kinda confused 
as to how its 2015 already.
Not only that, its almost the end of March in 2015.
Which brings me to Spring Break, 
I know I already talked about it 
but I thought I'd show what I did.
Technically I don't have spring break this year
 because my classes are online
so the only thing I get a break from is dance classes at night. 
But some of my siblings and friends went 
kayaking on Saturday. 

My Car was so packed!
I don't have pictures of us doing anything because my phone 
wasn't on me. 

A Red Carpet Sweet 16 
And a day in St.Augustine on Monday.

I have a day trip to the beach on the books for Saturday, 
Really hoping for some beautiful weather. 

How is or was your Spring Break?

By -J

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

HashNO or HashYES? Can I use that Hashtag?

I admit we live in a very online social networking world. 
I'm currently holding a contest on a fan account on IG 
so I understand. 
But I also understand that sometimes people get sucked into the 
latest "fad" and don't realize they sound ridiculous.

I came across the hashtag #widn on my March 
blogger life photo challenge. 
I had to google what it meant. Which reminded me of all the strange things
we use for hashtags. 
So I made a list, which if you haven't noticed or never read any 
of my previous posts is one of my favorite things to do.
1. because it shortens information and you don't have to scour to  find the good stuff.
2. just cause
3. I like ranking things and organizing them into favorites

I realize I just made a list to show how I like making lists.

1. #YOLO
No just No. This is not okay!

2.#WCW or #MCM 
I get it you love your bf or gf (also never use those terms) but you don't need to use the hashtags. instead how about you text/call/tell your person you love them. 
"The best sign of a relationship is no sign of it on the internet"

3. #widn 
Remember when facebook first came out and everyone kind of went crazy
 and posted every minute of everyday on there.
 Like I don't need to know that you are in the bathroom.
what I'm doing now is telling you not to use this hashtag.

4. # OOTD 
I understand famous people use this to showcase designers but 
I just think maybe you could write it out. 
Or be original and come up with something cool.

5. # tagsforlikes, #followme, #instagood, #igers, 
please do not use these to get more followers.
Also do not use hashtags of Facebook. 
Only on Instagram and Twitter. 

Some useable hashtags, 
#hashbrownnofilter - thanks Kimmy 
#selfie -  I like selfies and see how many people you can get in
#family - they are important
#love - use this instead of wcw or mcm
#summer - please brag about summer vacations so I can live vicariously through them
#friends - they are important too, add them in
#netflix - I'm addicted =, I'll admit it. 
#food -  I'm a foodie so bring it on!

By - J 
Be safe with your hashtags!

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Spring Break 2015

I know what you are thinking,
Not another person telling all about their awesome 
plans for Spring Break...
Nope my plan, because I have online classes 
and I don't really get a spring break, 
especially with work.
I could ask for the time off and get it but I like work.
And money :) 
But I do have plans to go to the movies at lease once,
get ice cream with friends and visit the beach at least once
and visit my best friend in St. Augustine for the day.
Really not exciting or exotic plans for the week.

So it kind of got me thinking about the people who don't
have the time or resourcing to do something crazy.
Which gave me the idea to share some ideas on easy 
Spring Break ideas.

1. Play Tourist. 
Your local area can be a treasure trove of fun 
visit your online visitors bureau or locate your visitor center and explore. 

2. Girls day.
Local shopping or browsing maybe get your nails done too.
That is on my list of things to do but I'm 
waiting for my nails to grow.
You can also organize a slumber party.
Movies, comfy clothes, maybe some spa treatments.  

3. Day trip.
The price of gas might make you cringe but 
grab some friends and split the cost. 
Set out for a planned day or a day of getting lost.
(Pack snacks or their will be blood) ;)

4. Tour your local restaurants.
This is on my list too.
Set out to eat, eat, eat, 
You don't have to do a full meal
 but ask for drinks and appetizers and try out new places.

5. Museums and Aquariums. 
Art is coming back in a big way.
Street art, pop culture, and even historical are making 
their way into fun chic environments. 
Try out locally or drive to the "big city"
And aquariums are awesome...

Have fun and be safe!
By -J
What are your plans for spring break?
P.S Happy St. Patrick's Day

Friday, March 13, 2015

Beach Creatures Encounters

On my Instagram @by_j.blogger I am participating in a Blogger Life Photo Challenge for the month of March.
Day 12 was post a picture of an animal. 
I chose me holding the stingray I caught at the beach a few years ago. Which reminded me of all the crazy creatures I have seen over the years. 
So today I wanted to share some of my crazy beach adventures. 

Back Story
My parents bought a small condo on the beach when I was 5 and I spent most of my summers there. 
I loved it! still do, its a place where I feel safe and at home.
For years I've been building sandcastles and catching crabs, 
riding biking and fly kites,
making way too many friends count and enjoying when of the
prettiest places ever.

So animal #1 Dolphins
Unfortunately Dolphins have lost some of their magic 
over the years. I've seen them from afar and up close, 
I even watched the mama's teach the little ones to play in the surf. Majestic!

#2 Whale 
My first whale sighting was a remarkable thing. 
It was winter and we were visiting the beach and friends when we noticed a helicopter flying over the ocean.
A little bit later we saw the whale's tail rising out of the water. Breathtaking. It then flipped over and was flipping its fins out of the water, like he was waving at the helicopter. So cool!

#3 Shark
Shark should really be one of the firsts because I live in FL very close to the most popular shark attack beach.
 I'm no stranger to these guys. 
My brother even got bite while surfing.
(He is fine not even a scar, it was a baby and it bite his foot)
But this story is unique. 
I was casting netting, which if you don't know is where you launch/throw a big net into the water with weights on it so it sinks quickly in order to capture the fish. 
(we let them go after, unless they were big enough to eat)
Anyway I was standing in water about calf deep with my 10yr old niece next to be. I looked down into the water and saw a 5ft nurf shark just sitting in the water 2ft from us. 
Needless to say I turned, grabbed my niece and ran. 
Not the best idea because you are supposed to be calm.
But I was 14 give my a break.
A few miutes later I went back having tackled my fear and stumbled upon another shark about 4ft. 
Just sitting there waiting for something, 
This time I was with my younger brother, 
I turned and pointed, showing him the shark 
and he turned around and ran. 
I guess I was no longer scared. (Kinda)

#4 Stingray
The Picture on IG shows the baby stingray I caught one summer with the cast net in the shallow water. 
That was amazing. I was so surprised when I saw it in the water and he took awhile to catch
(they are very fast swimmers)

#5 Crabs and Jelly Fish
Okay these really should have been first because I have 
been messing with crabs for years. :)

#6 Puffer Fish and Seahorse
The puffer fish I saw when I fell of the surfboard right next to it in really clear water and it puffed up. 
I must have scared it ;)
The seahorse I caught with my hands.
When I am out waist deep I look for seaweed because little fish, crabs, seahorses and other creature hid in it. 
I pulled one apart and found a seahorse. 
That was really exciting. 

#7 Manatee 
The manatee is a newer edition to my collection of crazy animal encounters. 
My friends and I were in the surf 
(where the water crashes and is about waist deep)
and all of a sudden this huge "thing" rises up out of the waves right next to us and it kinda freaked me out
(only cause I have a fear of finding a body in the ocean)
Until I saw the very manatee looking tail. 
My brother has had one rub up against him in the water.  

#8 Turtles!!
OMG this past summer (August 2014)
My sister and I were going for a walk on the beach at night and when we stepped on the sand I turned on my flashlight to see and we found baby sea turtles that had just hatched and where headed to the ocean. 

15 of these adorable guys!
Turtles head towards light so we guided them with our flashlights into the ocean.
Watching them get it by the ways and still swim towards it was entertaining.

I've had a few other shark encounters but I'll save them for another day. 
By -J 
These are just a few reasons why I love the beach. 

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

DIY Time

DIY Time. 
I recently started my wall of whatever.
 Well that's what I call it other people may call it an accent wall.
Basically it's a mixture of pictures, wall decor, and whatever else you want. 
Hence the name "Whatever Wall"
It's a simple way to make your space unique to your personality. 
You know when you were in middle of high school and posters and pictures 
were tacked to your walls and ceilings? 
It's a grown up version of that :) 
Sans the boy band posters. 
Start by choosing a wall that has space around it, 
A larger wall with less furniture so you can keep adding to it. 
A neutral color works best or you can use chalkboard pant 
to give it an extra level of creativity. 
Start with a color scheme of theme. 
Family and friends pictures or landscapes. 
You can even add empty frames and put books or symbols 
In them. 
Here are some examples.....
My favorite the Instagram walls. Easy to make
Just print out your IG pictures with the filters 
and easy glue them onto white paper for the Polaroid look

 Or use small white frames for a more sophisticated look. 
You also have the washi tape option. 
The freedom to make your own frames. 

Or if you want to get really crazy YOU CAN PAINT!!
Stencils and sponges are great for this type of look
Or you can go for the picture frame and trinket look
I love this one! 

Simple and easy. Plus you can make it a stand out headboard!

This is one is gorgeous. I love the words inside the frames and the mirror too.

By -J 
Happy DIY 

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

My favorite apps.

I Looooovvvveee my phone! 
Let's back it up a bit. 
When I started babysitting on a regular basis I was allowed to get a phone. 
I think I was 15. I had to pay for the phone and they plan. 
My first phone was the iPhone 4s which I smashed the back of 1yr after I got it. 
I discover it was smashed when I was typing and heard crushing glass noises :/ 
Anyway it was in rough condition. Someone knocked of a bench into a cup of water.....
And it still worked! 
I dropped it probably once a day for 2 yrs 
And it still worked! 
I dropped it in a creek in NC and didn't realize it for a few minutes
And it still worked!!! 
The home button wore out but it kept trucking along. 
In fact 
It still works! 
Any way a few months ago I bit the bullet and got the 5s. 
I love it so much! 
I'm someone who uses my phone for everything. My laptop was broken so I was sharing one,
So most of my fun Internet stuff had to be on my phone. 
I have had a lot of apps but here are some of my favorite! 
Love it! If you have one follow me! @By_j.blogger
It's an easy way to stay up to date with 
weather, news and celebrities!  
It's a picture app and I love it! 
This game is my jams!
Short conversations with my beast friend! 
I just got this photo app and it's awesome! 
It's netflix enough said! 
If you are a student you need this math app. 
I love music and I'm seriously considering 
paying for no commercials. 
5gb of storage that automatically downloads your pictures
to your computer or tablet! 
These are some of my favorites! 
By -J
Favorite or must have apps? 

Monday, March 9, 2015


I was pretty skeptical when yoga became mainstream. 
I am pretty flexible from dancing everyday, I didn't think I needed yoga for flexibility. 
Than yoga became something else. Good for your health, mind, and body? Tell me more! 
Yoga can be very intense, such as hot yoga. Yoga puts you in a position and you have to stay.... And breathe, while in tight pants! 
My sister did Jillian Michaels yoga inferno which is a mix of intense yoga and cardio. 
Definitely not for me. So my yoga avoidence grew. 
Until a couple weeks ago when I wanted to start stretching out my back because I had injured it. 
I googled back stretching and came across a video for 
backs and flexibility. 
I was hooked and discovered yoga can be hard but YouTube makes it easy, 
because you can do it in your home in baggy clothes :) 
Also I did a beginner video and it was super easy to follow along. 
And you can choose how long you want. 
Short on time? Try a 10 minute video 
Want something more give 30minutes a try. 
Always start at beginner if you have never done it! 
And there are so many options! 
Sore in an area? you can work on that. Have some tension? You can find a video for that too. 
I just did this one 10 minute Yoga
And I like the girl who does it. 
Also check for a yoga instructor the same gender as you. 
Some Yoga is not meant for women and 
some is not meant for men. 
Good Luck! 
By -J 
Did you join the Yoga bandwagon? 

Thursday, March 5, 2015

What to Blog, What to Blog

What do you want to read in a blog?
Fashion tips?
Beauty tips? 
DIY tips?
Decorating tips?
Funny Stories?
Well forget all of that. I found a blog post with like
 80 topics for writing a blog that matters.
Below I will cover a few.
10. Hamburgers
My only rule for hamburgers is no pink and
 you can get as messy as you want. :)
7. Cooking for a couple with no children.
Here is a tip, read the box and cook for the serving size labeled 2. 
53.Self Improvement
Make a to do list and do one thing everyday.
14. Bullying
30. Healthy Eating
Eat your veggies and your fruits. 
54. How to become a famous rockstar.
Umm I'm still working on this. 
73. Building a boat and crossing the pacific.
Nope buy a plane ticket instead.
66. Windsurfing
I would Looovvveeee to learn. 

So what do you think?
By - J 

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Facebook Comment or a Text, How Well Do You Know Them?

Its March which is like birthday mania for me and my family. 
A brief overview of my family to explain.
My Mom and Dad got married and had 11 children. 
Child number 1 got married and has 6 children
Child number 3 got married and has 3 children
Child number 5 got married. 
Child number 6 got married.
Child number nine is dating.
That makes 27 birthdays a year just for close family. 
That is A LOT!
But March is the worst with 6 birthdays. 
Anyway March 3rd (Today) is child number 9's Girlfriend's birthday.
Previously a good friend of mine, (don't get me started)
So the question came to me, 
Do I post on FB or do I text?
Do I know them well enough for a text?
I mean she is at every birthday party and 
practically every family event. 
In this case I said Happy Birthday with a cute picture via text.
But then I thought about who you should text and 
who you should post on social media 
 to wish a happy birthday. 
So I decided to make a list.
Family members, doesn't matter if you are close -Call them 
Friends you see or talk to at least once a day - Call them 
(Cards are great too, also in the mail is fun)
Friends you see once a week - text is okay but a call is better!
Cousins you only see on FB and are pretty sure you don't even know their number - Post
The random person from High School you used to hang out with- Post 
The person you could potentially date - text or a card in person.
Boss, this one is tough, if you see them the day of - tell them in person but if you interact on facebook and you don't see them than a post in okay. 
Also cards are good if you see them the week of. 
Your friends parents - in person if you see them. 
Unless you are unusually close like you could be their child don't text or call them. 

By - J
If you know someone in your class is having a birthday 
it can really make their day if you show up with a card and balloon. And because of all the dollar stores and Dollar Generals popping up you most likely pass one at least once a day. You could get both for less than $5.
Also bonus points if you get other people to sign it.