First off,
Happy Tuesday!
This is the time of year, if you are in school,
where you freak out!
Finals are here and you are nervous.
But this year is different for me.
I have been home-schooled all my life.
I started online public school during middle school
and continued through high school.
I also took a little longer because I did it at a
slower rate. I'm just not good at understanding.
Anyway I'm at the point of deciding what to do next.
The obvious is continue to college in my town.
It went from a community college to a state
college in the last couple of years so I know
that is where I want to go.
The next part was deciding what to do....
I wanted to be in law enforcement from the age of 12- 16.
The FBI more accurately, but the more I thought about it
the more I realized I wanted to stay close
to family and that wouldn't be an option.
I decided to finish High School get a two year degree
and go from there.
That is when things changed again.
My sister opened a business in the fall of 2014
and asked me to work the reception area.
I have always been good with people and
pick up on things quickly.
And I like technology.
My parents liked the idea because I could
do school at the desk if it was slow.
And the first few months were
but now we are at full speed.
I love it.
I've mentioned I loved my job a few times
but it is meant for me.
I like the scheduling and helping people.
The taking care of information, filing, sorting.
But I also know that it will not make me happy
to work at the front desk all my life.
So pro I found something I love and
Con I want to expand on it.
So I am going to get a business management degree
and either run this location or open a new one
in the future.
I can see myself flourishing in this work style and
am finally excited about getting started on the future.
Now I just have to convince to introverted side of me
to go to college and start classes.
It is a scary first step for someone who has never had the
"traditional" class experience.
Wish me luck!
By -J