Friday, May 22, 2015

Movie Night Part 1

This is a 3 part series. 

I am planning a movie night 
to watch Jurassic Park with some friends, 
in preparation for Jurassic World with Chris Pratt. 

Anyway I was going to project it and 
have it outside in my yard but the weather was 
going to be terrible and rainy 
so I moved it inside and cancel borrowing 
a projector and screen. 
Now the weather is going to be beautiful 
and my projector person is on vacation. 
This is why I don't plan things. 

Anyway so I invited some friends and its all set.
 Well most of it. I have to work until 2pm 
go home and clean then go to the store and get 
drinks and brownies. 
And set up the movie in my living room. 

I'm really excited because I really wanted 
to have a movie night!

I bought all three Jurassic Movies 
so I'l screen them over the next couple weeks
before number 4 comes out! 

A lot of exclamations because I am so excited!!!

But here is a little funny story. 
I posted on IG that I was playing Settlers of Catan 
with my siblings 
Well I was mowing the lawn last night, 
and my brother came out and said 
"we need you to play settlers tonight"
and I explained having to clean for the movie night. 
He came back and said 
" I'll finish mowing and then you can play"
He didn't understand that mowing was just 
the tip of the iceberg. 
He is 15 and a royal pain. 

Happy Long Weekend!
By -J

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