Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Video of the Week

When I started By -J I had a little segment at 
the bottom of the page for
"of the week" 
Video, joke, dog. 
Things like that. I dropped it because 
you had to scroll through every post to find it. 
Let's be real, even I don't have time for that.

Anyway my country radio station 
posted a music video today 
from one of my favorite artist Brad Paisley 
and I wanted to share it with you. 

It is really awesome and funny. 
I know a lot of people don't like country music, 
but I do. I also love superheros and 
this video combines them. 
By turning famous country stars into 
superheros that try and destroy 
the evil robot cans of beer.


Also I know it is the end of the school year, 
and you are really stressed out, 
and you might not like country music, 
but take a few minutes to watch your 
favorite artist or celebrity. 
Then get back to studying. 
Good Luck!

By -J
Me at Brad Paisley Beat this Winter tour. 

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