Wednesday, May 27, 2015

String Art DIY

My mystery project is done!
I posted this on Saturday on IG 
showing a sneak into my newest project. 
With the holiday weekend 
I didn't finish it until today.  
Painted a piece of wood this wonderful 
yellow shade. 

I tried to print out a diagram 
to follow but it was way to small.

I used ribbon to shape the 
wheels, I guess I should tell you it is 
a bicycle. 

The wheels had to have an inner 
and outer ring. 
I hoped they would be the same size.
But, I'm not the gifted :)

I added the string.
And this is the end result!

I love it!
The yellow and purple are perfect 
for my room.

By -J

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Summer DIY

Summer is here, I can feel it!
My summer is usually laid back, 
spending time at the beach and 
working dance camps. 
But now I have a job that doesn't take off
for summer and I'm balancing 
even more on my plate. 
And the one summer class I'm taking 
started today. 
Summer isn't as fun when you are 
an adult. 

Anyway I started a new project on Saturday. 
A display for a fundraiser I organized 
and I wanted to share it with you. 

I found a fundraiser idea 
that you make envelopes labeled with $ amounts
and allow people to simply choose to donate. 
This is for my church youth group, 
so we made some envelopes. 

(unfold an envelope, trace onto a piece of 
scrapbook paper and cut out. 
Follow the same envelope folds and use either glue 
or double sided sticky tape to secure.)

I started with a small pallet that I had at my house. 
My brother cut it for me, 
my family seems to think I can't
use power tools.

Then I spray painted it. 
Which I don't have a picture of. 
I used a box and covered it in brown paper 
to put the envelopes in. 

It was extremely hard to cover it. 
I taped the two shorter ends in 
so the envelopes would fit in. 
I left a slot on the other two ends 
so the envelopes would slide in 
without opening it. 
Notice my Christmas tree ribbon goes in two directions?
Yeah, my brain doesn't see that kind of stuff until the end. 

 The final product. 

I used twine and small clothes pins 
to hold the envelopes in place. 
The display looked so nice. 
We are raising money for 
which will be used to pack shoe boxes of Christmas 
presents to children in impoverished nations. 

I liked it. 
By -J 

Friday, May 22, 2015

Movie Night Part 1

This is a 3 part series. 

I am planning a movie night 
to watch Jurassic Park with some friends, 
in preparation for Jurassic World with Chris Pratt. 

Anyway I was going to project it and 
have it outside in my yard but the weather was 
going to be terrible and rainy 
so I moved it inside and cancel borrowing 
a projector and screen. 
Now the weather is going to be beautiful 
and my projector person is on vacation. 
This is why I don't plan things. 

Anyway so I invited some friends and its all set.
 Well most of it. I have to work until 2pm 
go home and clean then go to the store and get 
drinks and brownies. 
And set up the movie in my living room. 

I'm really excited because I really wanted 
to have a movie night!

I bought all three Jurassic Movies 
so I'l screen them over the next couple weeks
before number 4 comes out! 

A lot of exclamations because I am so excited!!!

But here is a little funny story. 
I posted on IG that I was playing Settlers of Catan 
with my siblings 
Well I was mowing the lawn last night, 
and my brother came out and said 
"we need you to play settlers tonight"
and I explained having to clean for the movie night. 
He came back and said 
" I'll finish mowing and then you can play"
He didn't understand that mowing was just 
the tip of the iceberg. 
He is 15 and a royal pain. 

Happy Long Weekend!
By -J

Thursday, May 21, 2015


Yeah I tend to injury myself a lot. 
Mostly bruises that I have no idea where 
they come from. 

But my sister is a gardener and recently hurt herself, 
and because I am a know-it-all/ pursuer of knowledge. 
I gave her treatment advice. 
Rest, Ice,  Compression, Elevation. 
Rest is always good, but ice brings down swelling, 
alternate 20 minutes on and 20 minutes off. 
Compression, I don't know why it works 
but I think it just holds everything in place, 
it also reminds you to not move it. 
(turns out it also helps with swelling)
Elevation, keep it above your heart to keep 
the blood from flowing and 
it keeps swelling down. 

Now for bruising. 
My family uses arnica or traumeel. 
Do not put it on an open wound. 
it reduces swelling, bruising and pain. 
And it is a natural and organic product. 

Pulled muscles can be alleviated with stretching 
and massage. Invest in massage, trust me. 
For injuries to bones or tendons talk to a Doctor. 
But a visit to the chiropractor can be beneficial also. 

Always talk to a doctor before self diagnosing or 
taking prescribed medication. 
And don't go near WebMD.  

You can do it! 
By -J 
Look at my blog charm from Origami Owl!

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

In Case of Emergency

I recently called emergency services for a car accident, 
(everyone was fine)
and I realized how much information 
they want. 
So I figured I should share what you need to know. 

In any event or accident you need to know, 
location, injuries, who is involved, 
and you need to be calm. 
Trust me.

In a car accident 
you need to know a location, 
how many people are involved, 
if anyone is bleeding or unconscious. 
It will also help if you don't move anyone
or try to provide any medical help unless
professionally trained.  

If someone passes out or is unconscious. 
It is helpful to know if they take any 

Also save your emergency contacts in your 
phone as ICE and then the name. 
(In Case of Emergency) 
it can help emergency services locate family sooner. 

With the rise in violent attacks at schools 
it can be helpful to remember a few things. 
Stay calm, either stay where you are, 
or move quickly away. 
Do not try and engage the attacker. 
Call emergency services immediately. 

It never hurts to be first aid or CPR 
certified and many local groups like the YMCA,  
Red Cross, and community centers offer it. 
Look into it. 

Best of Luck !

By -J 

On a lighter note.
I dropped the expensive butter all over the floor...
and my feet. 

Tuesday, May 19, 2015


I was recently talking to my older sister
and we stumbled onto me having grown up
in the last year. 

A little background into my family, 
as I have mentioned I have a big one.
5 sisters (all older) and 5 brothers (4 older)
Yes, I am the baby girl :)
Now because I am the baby and my sisters 
were pretty grown by the time I was born, 
I'm kinda looked upon as their baby. 
Kind of hard to grow out of that image. 

Anyway in the last year I felt like I had 
taken some major steps in growing up 
and getting ready for college. 
I've had various jobs since I was about 14
Babysitting, dog sitting, cleaning, 
demonstrator for the younger kids in dance. 
But I started a receptionist job last September, 
which may sound weird, but really suits me. 
It allows me to do school during slow 
periods and work part time.

I also worked hard to finish up some 
classes that I had slacked on. 
(Math and I are not friends)
I felt that I had grown,
 and hoped that others could see that too. 

Whether or not you live in a big family, 
you will always have people measure you 
against others.
Something my mom really gave us 
was time to complete things. 
She understood that while we may not learn at 
the speed of others or accomplish things 
at the rate our siblings did, we were allowed 
to make certain choices. 

Some of my siblings seem to forget 
that we are not miniature thems.
And we will not make the same choices. 
It is that time in life where you drift away from 
childhood friends, 
and gravitate to the next season of life.
Big families have a stereotype of being close. 
Well I'm drifting, which is okay because 
I will never sever the ties, 
but I do need to make my own choices. 
I've seen the results and I believe I can 
make a path, even with screw ups, 
that is my own. 

So, what did we learn. 

1. Stereotypes are reasonable,
 but go ahead and brake the mold.  
2. You will have to grow up and make decisions,
but work with your support system now to prepare for
 the times on your own. 
3. You are never to old to spend time with family.
4. People will compare you and tell you 
what they think you should do, 
Nod your head and then do whatever you were going to do. 
(I'm only slightly kidding, advice is always good)
5. family can be the best and worst, 
choose to remember the best and shrug off the worst.
6. Growing up is hard, and you will have to say goodbye to 
dear friends, but there will be more and maybe
you needed them for only so long. 
7. work hard, in school, at work, wherever. honest, it can be hard but trust me
it is so much better. 
9. a job is a job, be thankful you have one.
10. schedule time to relax or be alone.

I recently have taken time to do things alone. 
I took myself out to a movie and shopping. 
Lunch and browsing downtown on Monday afternoon. 

Learn who you are when you are alone. 

By -J 
Best of Luck! 
And congrats to the grads!

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

So I Tried To Ombre My Hair

Stop Laughing. 
Its not that funny. 
But I will walk you through my process. 
First I was on Pinterest. 
I know its extremely easy to get sucked into 
the DIY that is all over Pinterest but I honestly 
thought I could do it. 
Okay Pinspiration 

Doesn't look to hard. 
Darker roots and lightly blend to 
light blonde at the bottom. 

My starting color

I knew I would have to darken the roots
so I got some dark blonde/ light brown 
and some light blonde dye 
These are my colors

I get strange when I wear gloves. 

Dark color in. 

Now is a good time to get things done.
 Eyebrows here I come

Can you tell which one I did?
If you find your eyebrows have gotten a little to 
bushy, use a comb and scissors to trim them down.   

Okay the dark color is in. 
Now I followed Ombre Hair at home
But the steps were hard to understand and follow.
Pictures are so much easier. 

Blonde on the middle to bottom getting thicker 
and leaving it on for 35minutes.

I'm extremely confused 
and hoping I don't kill my hair. 

This color leaves purple behind. 

I'd like to take a moment and shoutout 
my littlest fan.....
You were brave and helpful at keeping the
 fumes down so I didn't pass out.
 I love you. 

I made a mess of my sink. 
Did I mention the purple. 

Now I washed it out and this is what happened!!!!!!

It was one strange color from my roots 
to my split ends. 
I am really disappointed. 

So I decided since I was going to a party 
to put in some temporary colors. 
I had blue and pink and purple, 
and my mom had just bought me some off brand red. 
Well the red stained my skin and 
now I have red stained skin under my bangs, 
and I am searching for a salon to 
Ombre my hair. 
Wish me Luck 

By -J 

This is not to encourage anyone not 
to try ombre at home. 
Give it a try, it just didn't work for me. 

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Video of the Week

When I started By -J I had a little segment at 
the bottom of the page for
"of the week" 
Video, joke, dog. 
Things like that. I dropped it because 
you had to scroll through every post to find it. 
Let's be real, even I don't have time for that.

Anyway my country radio station 
posted a music video today 
from one of my favorite artist Brad Paisley 
and I wanted to share it with you. 

It is really awesome and funny. 
I know a lot of people don't like country music, 
but I do. I also love superheros and 
this video combines them. 
By turning famous country stars into 
superheros that try and destroy 
the evil robot cans of beer.


Also I know it is the end of the school year, 
and you are really stressed out, 
and you might not like country music, 
but take a few minutes to watch your 
favorite artist or celebrity. 
Then get back to studying. 
Good Luck!

By -J
Me at Brad Paisley Beat this Winter tour. 

Friday, May 8, 2015

Busy Bee

It is the time of year when everything 
seems to be happening. 
Students are ready to finish the semester, 
teachers plan recitals, parties, tests, and much more. 
I personally think we should divide all of 
these events up over the months but it tends to 
fall to just a few weeks. 
And then summer. 
I love summer! It is my favorite time, 
especially when I get to go to the beach. 

But now I have a job that doesn't take summer off.
So I have to put in for actual vacation days. 
It's strange getting old. 
And I'm taking an online class this summer 
so I won't be completely school free. 
But I'm still excited. 

I was going to talk about something completely different, 
its been on my mind for days. 
Remember the post about dreams
and how I figured I have sleep problems because 
I don't confront people in reality. 
Well I stumbled onto a situation that 
I felt had wronged me. 
After venting to my very best friend,
I decided not to confront that person. 
1. Because I knew that they simply would brush it off.
2. It would serve no purpose ruining a night 
just so I would feel better. 
I also figured that if they did it on purpose, 
I would only give them satisfaction over my reaction. 
So I'm trying to let it go, 
even though they did the wrong thing, 
I'm the only one who is hurt. 

Now that I understand my sleep problem
I'm better at addressing why I'm not sleeping. 
But that doesn't solve the problem. 
It's something I'm working on :)
Anyway I'm planing a trip to Texas with sister 
so here are some fun beach/summer pictures. 
Baseball-The American pastime.

My family loves the mountains so summer for me would 
include mountains. 
Disney- We live close and go to a Christian concert night 
but this year we are going to Texas instead. 

I've been para sailing twice now
and I love it!
I would love to go again. 

4th of July is huge for my family 
so I made this last year. 

So I covered like five topics. 
I hope you have a great end of the semester 
and start your summer planing soon!
By -J

Wednesday, May 6, 2015


I have had some crazy dreams lately. 
Which have lead to not the best sleep,
which lead to napping, 
which lead to not sleeping at night. 
Do you see the irony of it all?

I tend to have a lot of tension in my dreams, 
I haven't had a happy dream
in a long time. 
Which made me wonder, 
What factors affect our dreaming?

My mom always told us we couldn't have 
ice cream late at night because it would 
give us nightmares. 
I think it was more the sugar keeping us awake.

But I did some looking into dreaming.

REM sleep is approximately a 90min period where
 your brain is more active and the perfect time for 
"story-like" dreaming.
When your REM sleep is closer to the
 time you wake up, you are more likely to remember 
more details. People who are sleep deprived 
tend to have a larger amount of REM sleep, 
giving them more vivid dreaming time.

(You see where this is going right?)

For years people have debated whether 
dreams have meanings. 
Several successful people have accredited 
 ideas and inventions to dreams. 
This can be explained to the point of,  
when we see a problem and feel stress over it 
or it is constantly on the mind we take it 
into our "dreams". Often resolving the problem 
simply to find deep sleep. 
Kelly Sullivan Walden, a certified dream coach 
divides dreams into eight categories.
Processing, Venting (nightmares), integration, 
breakdown/breakthrough, recurring, precognitive, 
prophetic, and wish fulfillment. 
The most common being recurring and venting.

(this is my struggle)

Some dreams that fall under the 
processing category have been used to solve 
emotional and physical problems. 
Lending insight into deeper troubles or psychological issues. 
Owen Flanagan a professor at Duke University says 
"Bizarreness will increase....
 the more you have on your mind"

(That isn't giving me a lot of hope
of resolving this )

This is where we dabble in crazy ideas. 
Can your dreams be "interpreted"?
Most everyone has had the dream of 
your teeth falling out. 
This has been linked to a fear of aging or death.
How about the one where you are falling?
This can lend to the loss of confidence or
 threat to security. 

(I had a dream I was wearing really high heels, 
and fell over in them, literally my body jumped 
like I was really falling. What does that mean?)

But most dreams are personal, 
reflecting underlying thoughts or feelings. 

(oh dear this is getting personal)

Symbols, objects, or images can signal 
a connection to reality,  
Serving as a metaphor to the conscious state of mind.
But you also have to know the parallel into your own life, 
the sighting of a lion would mean different things 
to a circus performer and a child whose favorite 
toy is a lion. By examining each element in the dream
and looking for parallels to reality or the subconscious
you can decipher a meaning. 
It may also be beneficial to consult a peer, 
we may not always see objectively
when it concerns our personal lives. 

Recurring dreams can continue for days, 
weeks, months, or even years. 
This is the most important kind of dream. 
This is most likely your unconscious mind trying 
to tell you something. 
If these dreams are a result from a traumatic 
experience, the experts recommend 
help from a therapist.    

So your dreams can be explained. 
For the most part. 
It doesn't take a genius to tell you 
that stress can induce crazy dreams. 

But my dreams tend to bring conflict,
or situations where no one acts normally, 
or I feel I should have spoken up 
in reality and my dreams become the place to 
honestly speak with someone. 
I don't like any of these options. 

But if you want to increase your REM
 (crazy dream time) here are some tips:

Get sleeping-more sleep increases REM time.

Keep a journal-Record the dreams when you wake, it will help you remember more details. 

Suggestions- Contemplate what you want to dream about 
before sleeping. 

Limit stimulates- like sugar or caffeine. 

Best of dreams 
By -J
Its finals time so don't freak out
 about the dreaming.